As if everything would just please go away
I didn't make you leave, I didn't make you stay
I probably should have said something to you then
I just didn't want things to get out of hand
Part of me doesn't want you to understand
I hated having to say things I didn't mean

Killing time, and everything's not fine
What would you ask of me now?
Feeling fine, are all these problems mine?
Welcome to lowlife city

Sinking like dead weight into the sea, I can't hold my breath much longer
Your cover is blown
I'm well aware you're fucked but I don't care, you lowlife, you failure
I will outlast you, I will outlive you
And once again you embody failure
I'm well aware you're fucked but I don't even care
I will outlast you, I will outlive you
And once again you embody failure

Get a life you fucking bum. I know your heads a mess
The worst part is that I didn't realize you were so fucking worthless
Until it was too late
The whole world hates you
Killing time, waiting for you to die

Get a life you fucking bum. I know your heads a mess
The worst part is that I didn't realize you were so fucking worthless
Until it was too late
The whole world hates you
Killing time, waiting for you to die

Get a life you fucking bum. I know your heads a mess
The worst part is that I didn't realize you were so fucking worthless
Until it was too late
The whole world hates you
Killing time, waiting for you to die

Get a life you fucking bum. I know your heads a mess
The worst part is that I didn't realize you were so fucking worthless
Until it was too late
The whole world hates you
Killing time, waiting for you to die
