Oh, we are six little eves, waiting for an adam
Someone who will make our poor hearts pound
Until that happy day, we're sad to have to say
This old boy's the only guy in town

A demon in truth, but an angel in fiction
A woman's the greatest of all contradiction
She'll lift a man up, she'll let a man down
She'll crown him her king, and then she'll make him a clown
In the morning she does, in the evening she don't
And just when you're certain she will, she bloody well won't

Now, like a fool, I married lola, who played the piano
But her cooking, sad to say, was not so hot
She used to often boast of how she made pot roast
Most of the time, it tasted like roast pot
On my birthday, she said
Hun, we're gonna have bœuf bourguignon
I said
Put in lots of lovely red wine, lola
She said
I don't have time to go and get red wine
She cooked the whole damn lot in Pepsi cola!

Eve and adam, adam and eve
They were the source of all these troubles
Well, that's what I believe

As you probably know
This all started years ago at the time when eve and adam were around
Now, some people blame the apple of the top of the tree
Me, I blame the pair on the ground
Now, adam, he was fond of eve; he longed to turn over a new leaf
And as eve smiled and tossed her pretty curls
Adam raised his eyes to heaven, and he sighed and said
Oh, lord, I got more ribs
Do you got any more girls?

Eve and adam, adam and eve
They were the source of all these troubles
At least, that's what I believe
