At this point I'm capable of anything to avoid the fight
I'm tired, please take me away from here, out of sight
I don't want to seek solutions or try to make it right
All I want to do is run away, escape into the night

My heart is heavy, my mind is weary
I can't go on, I'm feeling teary
The battle is long, the end is unclear
I just want to disappear, no longer be here

I'm tired of the pain
I want to escape, to break the chain

The battle rages, the end unknown
I feel so lost, so all alone
I want to disappear, to fade from sight
But I know I must keep on, and continue to fight

I don't know what to do, I'm feeling lost and low
Desperate for an answer, but which way do I go?
The situation's dire, it's weighing heavy on my mind
How can I find a way out, and leave this mess behind?

But deep down I know, that's not the way
I must face my fears, I must stay
I'll gather my strength, I'll find a way
To fight and win, to see a brighter day

I search for guidance, for a light to lead the way
But the path ahead is murky, with no clear display
I'm drowning in confusion, with no escape in sight
How can I resolve this, and make it all alright?

Composição: Malixe - Sage Zavage