You have been possessed with hate
Even living in such paradise
Bring love to your enemies
I need some water
Something to warm out
Something to warm me up
The best days were the worst days
My best days were the stressed days
Those days when people say

Fuck the world
Please don't say that
Fuck the world
Please don't say that
Fuck the world
I know girl
Please take it easy
Please take it easy
It's amazing when I am in this place with you
In this place
With you
When people say
Belief in me
Fuck the world
Please don't say that
I can't believe that I'm living in such a paradise

And the pain is inside
And the pain is inside
And the pain is inside
And the pain is inside
Fuck the world
Fuck the world
Please don't say that

I'm so happy that I am with you
I love you girl I love you
Everything is so beautiful
Everything is so beautiful

When we are together
Fuck the world
Fuck the world
I love you girl
Imagine a world like that

Composição: Carlos Simpson