The first breath is arresting
We don't all come full circle at the turn of time

This chalice has a poisoned rim
We sink cognizant and comfortable
Knowing that there is no win
And the man who's a boy can protect the impregnable
Still we all lose some days
That's just the way

It was as far as we had dreamed
The garden grew deep the incense rising
Lifted as heat to stars still dying
Gone just like magic by the morning

We couldn't pull back the glass
So we stood watching
Our eyes projecting the past
Lenses of love of longing
To be aware is to tread with care
Resting in the pain you're living

It was as far as we had dreamed
The garden grew deep the incense rising
Lifted as heat to stars still dying
Gone just like magic by the morning

It was as far as we had dreamed
The garden grew deep the incense rising
Lifted as heat to stars still dying
Gone just like magic by the morning

It was as far as we had dreamed
The garden grew deep the incense rising
Lifted as heat to stars still dying
Gone just like magic by the morning

How long do you stay to honour a dream
To honour a dream

How long do you stay to honour a dream
To honour a dream
