This is New York
And I'm here to stay
A brighter day

I'll get a room
And be on my way
So much to say

Though I'm a man
I'd still like to cry

This is New York, charlie good-bye

I'll have a phone
And the number's yours
You'll call for sure

Two weeks, no more
And we'll stay in touch
It means so much

Things will stay great!
That's just a lie

This is New York, charlie good-bye

Pour yourself out
Friends were meant to lose!

Stand up and shout
You've the right to choose!

But it's not up to you
Your childhoods through

Thanks for the ride
You were nice to come
So far from home

And over the years
It's still nice to know
Her friend will go

And here at the end
Of childhood won't die

This is New York, charlie good-bye
This is New York, charlie good-bye
