Since e’er I was a laddie an toilin’ at the ploo
I hae wrestled sair wae fortune this weary world through
But what lightens a’ ma toil is that happy ‘oor at e’en
When I meet ma Bonnie lassie ‘neath the gloamin’ star at e’en

‘Neath the gloamin’ star at e’en, ‘neath the gloamin’ star at e’en
When I meet ma Bonnie lassie ‘neath the gloamin’ star at e’en

Awa’ ye haughty nobles wha deem such pleasures sma’
There’s joy that never enters yer lordly hame nor ha’
For the joy o’ joys tae me is that happy ‘oor at e’en
When I meet ma Bonnie lassie ‘neath the gloamin’ star at e’en

Why should I seek for riches when toilin’ at the ploo?
There’s flooers intae the peasant’s path a King might stoop to pull
For yonder comes ma lassie in beauty like a Queen
An’ I’ll clasp her tae ma bosom ‘neath the gloamin’ star at e’en
