Stop, in half the way
Stop the dead, stagnate
And mark the time, the day

Stay, alive, stay still
Hold together, stay the way,
The way you are

God they were fighting
To find their way
God they were struggling
To meet the day, the day

And God their words they mean
The world, the 'thus'
Their eyes they meet
The love
They meet the lust
Of us, finding…

Wearing themselves
In blue and red
The colours of the royal kings

Wearing no else
The child is close
The one, the only masterpiece

God they were fighting
To find their way
God they were struggling
To meet the day, the day

And God their words they mean
The world, the 'thus'
Their eyes they meet
The love
They meet the lust
Of us, finding…

Putting their whole souls, whilst
Depending on two
Praising the faith
Learning selfish rules

Given it all, wondering
The heavenly plan
Recepting the judgements
To find The,
Of everlasting
Where two have found

God they were fighting
To find their way
God they were struggling
To meet the day, the day

And God their words they mean
The world, the 'thus'
Their eyes they meet
The love
They meet the lust
Of us

God they now see
The path where two are one
The scriptures mankind
Could never understand
