Crossing the line, starts the quake
Out of warning!
Now your disguise no concealment for murderers
In a dead faint how could you fix this disorder?
Nay, delusion ways

They’re coming so fast
Are they bringing their umbrage?
They'll dare to reave your place
This way, I doubt you could stay so carefree

Always afraid
Distorted thinking
There’s no sound of the waves
Lulling you to fall sleep

Never enough
Storms where you’re kept inside
Think out of the box
There’s just one key to change

So what still beats inside you, is it hollow?
Digging your gist you will find not just soreness

Are they really coming? Who are them?
What is at stake?
You have to find your place
Cause still inside a lost assent to be free

Never-ending anxiety
So tired of living in his own skin

Always afraid
Distorted thinking
There’s no sound of the waves
Lulling you to fall sleep

Never enough
Storms where you’re kept inside
Think out of the box
There’s just one key to change
