They run through my mind
But the memories of past times
So pleasant
But now what is there left?
I am broken in disbelief!

Grey is my current vision
I now feel nothing but pain
Every step hurts so much
My heart is broken

Overwhelming despair corrodes my soul
Why must I suffer, what have I done?
Slowly the sky feels as if it's falling

Falling down on me
The sky will crash
My mind is numb
My limbs are sore
The clouds become black as I stare on
I stand there waiting...
Rain starts to pour

As I stand motionless
Rain inundates my soul
I can't believe it's all gone
No one is here
I've been forsaken!

Thunder!! Crackling!!
The bright light it emanates blinds me
I cover my eyes and feel the touch of the skies tears

Destroyed by coming rapture
Rain falls and falls
I feel it rush my broken body
The lightning strikes with tremendous force, relentless

The turmoil of the storm resonates in me
My feelings and my mind become one
