The youth must not only assimilate the
Fruits of the culture of their parents, but
That should raise culture to new heights
To which the people of the previous ones do not arrive

The young person must always preserve the essence of
Culture of his parents, he just has to dig deeper
And make it known to others, it's not about going
In search of what they call new urban cultures

The youth must not only assimilate the
Fruits of the culture of his parents, but
That should raise culture to new heights
To which the people of the previous ones do not arrive

Urban cultures are just reflections of a destruction
Of the young man, who immerses himself before her and pays homage to her
Calling the antivalues, values, and seeing the violence
As acts of heroism, and promotes gender violence

The youth must not only assimilate the
Fruits of the culture of their parents, but
That should raise culture to new heights
To which the people of the previous ones do not arrive

Composição: Sergio Umbría