I used to be a beggar man, living on the streets
Begging all them better men, to help me get a meal
But here's the thing with better men, they're best at being mean!
So I got fed with sticks and stones, that broke me bones
So I became a wicker man, to learn an honest trade
Asking all them better men to buy what I had made

But here's the thing with better men, they're good at being cheap!
So I got payed in, kicks and spits
And sticks and stones, that broke me bones
Sick of the receiving end, I donned the headsman's hood
Rum drunk and with sword in hand, some justice serve I would

But here's the thing with better men, they never lie quite still!
So I got served with rotten eggs
And kicks and spits
And sticks and stones, that broke me bones
Then I become a mariner, in the navy I enrolled
I learned from ranking better men to do as I'd been told
But here's the thing with better men, it's hard to make them pleased!

So all I got was chains and rope
And rotten eggs
And kicks and spits
And sticks and stones, that broke me bones
I begged, I worked, I fought so hard
To keep my conscience clean
But there is always better men
Who will treat you mean
However hard you try my friend
You'll always fall out short!
And all you get is broken hope

And chains and ropes
And rotten eggs
And kicks and spits
And sticks and stones, that will break your bones!

Go to hell!
So now I am a buccaneer that sail the seven seas
Preying on them better men for riches I can seize
And if they think they're better still, I bring them to their knees
Then I give them a taste of the old keel and plank

And chains and rope
And rotten eggs
And kicks and spits
And sticks and stones, that will break their bones!
Then I give them a taste of the old keel and plank

And chains and rope
And rotten eggs
And kicks and spits
And sticks and stones, that will break their bones!
