In an ordinary place in your everyday grim life
Which no longer experience you anew each day
In the helplessness of life without a goal at the end
You dream at least about a piece of understanding
And only Nature is able to give you wanted solace
Makes you forget about your miserable existence

But all your duty is to know that we do not know and will not know her fully
So now you lie on the snow under the starry night sky
Expire in a loneliness and cold
Hoping that you are going to the land of Life and Meaning
Close your eyes and dream
About a journey from which you will never have to wake up

You lived despite of your unfavorable conditions
Without knowing a final form of your destination and purpose
Tough, rotten and meaningless being
Who never had any effect on anything
Now you have a true grasp about life and death
And if you dare ask the question about true meaning
Nature will submit to you with an unlimited power
And will speak over day by day after forever
